Tuesday, August 28, 2012

APEX Shortcuts

One page that always eludes me when I need it is the Application Build Status page. When I need to quickly set an application to unavailable so I can update the backend for instance, I spend 10 minutes trying to find it only to give up and edit the table in the apex schema. Well not so any more.

On the Administration page there is a yellow announcement bar you can edit and add links to. Since the #SESSION# substitution doesn't work you have to use a javascript link, but it's not too hard to figure out. Here's the HTML for my Application Build Status shortcut.

<a href="javascript:document.location.href='f?p=4350:41:'+$('#pInstance').val()">
  <b>Application Build Status</b>

The internal workspace also has an instance wide announcement bar that works the same way.